Impressive Illustrations Of LEGO Characters Doing Their Like-A-Boss Poses

Since the premiere of The Lego Movie, many artists have been inspired in creating several wonderful arts that are related to Lego. But for today’s artist, he has been creating Lego characters even before the recent craze. Below are some of his works on Lego illustrations that depicts some of the famous characters of today. …

22 Juggernaut Illustration Artworks

Another popular Marvel Comics antagonist appears in this next collection that we are about to showcase. Juggernaut is a fictional character that appears in various comic publications by Marvel. Among this is X-Men, Doctor Strange, Amazing Adventures and The Incredible ‘Hulk. The Juggernaut possesses superhuman strength, being capable of shattering mountains, lifting and using buildings …

23 Artworks of Loki the God of Lies and Mischief

Mythology has created amazing and powerful gods and godessess that has perfectly fitted the modern times. Some of this characters have been included or become the basis in creating additional comic character. Among these is Loki or the God of Lies and Mischief from the Norse Mythology. Loki is a fictional character, a supervillain that …