Reasons Why Some Web Designers Use Monochromatic Color Scheme

There are various website designs that you could see in the internet. These designs use different concepts and ideas depending on what the website is about and depending on the taste of the website owner. Colorful websites are usual for it attracts the viewers through its colorful elements. But why don’t you try viewing and …

30 Interesting and Creatively-Designed Contact Forms

We’ve already showcased some of the most creative footer and header designs of a website in the past. In today’s post, we are presenting another design inspiration you’ll surely love. These are attractive contact form designs in different styles and content. A contact form in a website is a page that has fields for filling …

50 Blue Website Designs to Inspire and Impress You

The color blue has long been a popular color for designers, with its various emotional implications and visual friendship with a vast array of other colors. Take some inspiration from this aesthetically inspiring collection in where designers have manipulated this one color to suit their many intentions. Approaches range from frozenly formal to chilled and …