Paintings have been around since the ancient times bringing up art to every society. With a very wide variety of styles, techniques, and materials used by different painters, they continue to amaze our world with impressive visual delight. Today, we’re going to see yet another brilliant painter who has created a series of beautiful paintings that will surely captivate our imagination.

Neil Simone is a Whixley-based painter who is behind these amazing surrealistic paintings. In his works, you can observe the 3D-effect which he incorporates to his paintings. There are lines that seems to separate opposing sides, giving an illusion that there is a painting within the painting. Amazing!

Scroll down and check out some of his awesome works. Come, take a peek, and enjoy!

Tranquil Harmony
Neil Simone paintings

Balanced on the Edge
Neil Simone paintings

Dimensional Shadows
Neil Simone paintings

Limitless Horizons
Neil Simone paintings

Neil Simone paintings

Seasons Pass You By
Neil Simone paintings

The Barn Conversion
Neil Simone paintings

The Fragile Nature of Perception
Neil Simone paintings

The Open Ended Connection of Interaction
Neil Simone paintings

The Water Table
Neil Simone paintings

Window on the World
Neil Simone paintings

Contrasting shades of light & shadow
Neil Simone paintings

Beyond Imagination
Neil Simone paintings

A Compelling Compilation of Complex Compositions
Neil Simone paintings

Beyond the Snow White Linen Land
Neil Simone paintings

Opening Times
Neil Simone paintings

Check out Neil Simone on their website. You can share what you think on his works by leaving your comment below.

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Ebrian Acebedo

About the author: A Licensed Medical Practitioner who apparently likes web design and business.