In our everyday lives where we commonly see different brands, we may see these short slogans that beautifully advertise their products. Today, we’re going to see a-bit-off-than-usual slogans that will make us agree and laugh about it.

Clif Dickens is a graphic designer who owns a website called Honest Slogans. In his site, he creates entertaining, hilarious, and agreeable slogans on some of the big companies today. In his works, he sensibly combines humor with his funny lines and facts that tell the customer experience with the product. Scroll down and check out some of his works. Come, take a peek, and enjoy.

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Clif Dickens Honest Slogans

Check out Clif Dickens on his website. You can share what you think on his works by leaving your comment below.

Have something in mind related to web design, freelancing, and other awesome stuff? Let us know and maybe we’ll feature it on our next post. All your comments and opinions are coveted!

Ebrian Acebedo

About the author: A Licensed Medical Practitioner who apparently likes web design and business.