Valuable Points to Take Note of in Designing a Magazine Cover

When buying a magazine, one would always look at the cover in order to know the contents of the magazine. Once the cover managed to capture the attention of the readers, it means that the design is effective. Some covers can look mysterious while others look blatant on what they want to convey. Some look …

Points to Consider in Designing an Ecommerce Website

In this generation of the internet, everything goes online already especially that most people are online every day. Even business went online through ecommerce sites which even helped improve their business since online shops could reach more people worldwide. There are many advantages for an online store. Aside from reaching more people, it is also …

10 Points on How a Homepage Design can Influence the Audience

A website won’t be complete without a homepage. The homepage is very important for it serves as a front cover of the entire site. It depends on how one designs the homepage in order to make it look attractive. It bears the important parts of the site like the navigation, search bar, logo, categories, and …

How to Design a Landing Page that Attracts the Target Audience

When promoting a product, service or a company, a landing page would surely be a good option. This is so true when it comes to online business marketing especially that most of us are browsing the internet everyday to get information. Landing pages can reach thousands and millions of people around the globe which can …