You’ll Love These Children With Their Impressive And Adorable Face Paintings

In most children’s party, there are usually balloons, clowns, and candies to brighten up the event. But in Wellington and the Kapiti Coast, the children there get a different kind of fun as they are amusingly turned into animals, superheroes, and various creatures – at least aesthetically. Today, we share to you these beautiful artworks …

Impressive 3D Paintings Done On A Series Glass Panes

As a painter and a soldier of art, an artist desires to entail uniqueness in his own works. Through the years, this desire which they coupled with their boundless imagination and creativity, traits that every painter must possess, have resulted into amazing creations of new art forms. Chinese painter Xia Xiaowan observed the emerging techniques …

Fun And Care-Free Illustrations Collaborated With A 4 Year-Old

Do you still have your memory as a child when you just enjoyed drawing whatever your imagination brought you? From a simple stickman and a stick-sun to complex houses, mountains, and characters. Ah yes, childhood days. Today let’s bring back those care-free days as we see these lovely illustrations collaborated with a 4 year-old. Mica …

33 Photo-realistic Digital Paintings of Celebrities

As the information age blossoms, along with it comes high-end computers and software that enable designers to better their works as well as lessen their limitation. As artists learn and harness how to use these amazing tools, they create cooler and more superior artworks that will surely make your eyes come out. Digital painting is …

Reasons Why Digital Painting is a Big Hit

When the usage of computers and the internet had been the trend, there are various new things that came, making almost everything easier. The advancement of technology even made one’s creativity wilder and wider. The emergence of digital painting made the art industry more flourishing. Digital paintings are computer generated art by using techniques directly …

33 Outstanding Examples of Matte Painting

Matte painting is considered logically as invisible environments for film. Visual effects shot so realistic that might make the audience think they were filmed in location. Matte Painting is a technique used to add wonder and excitement to a static landscape, set or distant location which filmmakers use to create an illusion to the environment …