Low poly is becoming a popular trend in graphic designing. They are commonly used as backgrounds. This effect gives the design a more 3D-ish look and even becomes more stunning when combined with a variation of colors. We have previously featured some logo designs that used low poly and also some freebie low poly backgrounds.
Now we will show you another low poly inspired designs that will ignite your creative mind.
In this post, we have gathered some of the best examples of Low Poly Business Card Designs that will give you some ideas and perspectives on how you can incorporate low poly to your own business card designs.
So scroll down and check them all out below. Come, take a peek, and enjoy!

An awesome example of business card design that has a low poly element with a color gradient between red and blue.
This business card design has a black motif with triangular low poly pattern placed nicely.
This is a transparent business card with a part covered with low poly design in stunning color palette.
This is a business card template that incorporates a green-themed low poly design.
This business card was made for a makeup artist and also uses low poly effect in various colors.
This business card shows a professional and still creative design with the use of cool, icy low poly.
A business card for a company that has a logo design of a colorful low poly and also in the black background.
A blue-themed low poly design of a business card.
This low poly business card design was inspired to the logo that is hexagonal in shape.
An example of a red-themed low poly business card design.
A very vibrant low poly design formed to look like letter M.
A self-branding design that incorporates cool low poly element to the card.
Creative Modern Polygon Business Card
Creative and clean Modern Polygon Business Card used for all purpose.
Alternative example of a business card design that uses a low poly in a gradient glow.
This low poly design depicts a land terrain that has spiky mountains.
This low poly design for a business card is layered with various colors.
The low poly in this business card design is depicted from a cool and chilly mountain glacier.
This business card was developed for a nutritionist, hence the apple in a low poly design.
A low poly business card design with a touch of gold, which makes it both creative and luxurious.
This business card design was incorporated with low poly to form an abstract effect.
This business card design was made for a student of architect and uses a yellow low poly design.
Here we have a blue colored low poly business card that displays a clean and professional look.
Another example of a cool low poly design that is made even more stunning with a great color palette.
A business card with a green low poly designed for a consulting company.
A professionally designed business card with a cool typography logo and a red low poly background.
A great example of a business card with low poly used on both logo and background of the card.