Freelancing would not only involve the need to develop necessary skills in order to succeed. Bear in mind that freelancing is also a business. This is your source of income and an avenue for you to express your creativity as a designer. But you also have to make sure that you are earning rightly by giving the right rates for every freelance project. This is part of your freelance contract. You have to make sure that in negotiating a freelance contract, you are not sacrificing your rate and your name as a designer. Be sure that you are not devaluing yourself.

As a freelancer, you should not be hesitant to negotiate your rates and other valuable things for a freelance contract. You should learn how to negotiate for this is one important key to succeed in the job. Take note also that you do not need to dive low in your rates just to get a job. Today, we will give you tips on how to negotiate a freelance contract. Check this out.

1. Know what you want.

Know what you want

Before you start negotiating with a client, you need to know what you really want first. You should know beforehand how much is your rate and how much you could lower it. You should know your design process which you will explain to the client. You should know what kind of freelance project you want. You should be prepared with everything before you start negotiating.

2. Know your client.

Know your client
Image: shutterstock

Part of being prepared is to know who your client is. You should conduct a research as to what is the company or what is the client’s business. During the negotiation process, dig deeper into the type of client you have. You need to know all this for a better negotiation process.

3. Do not just consider your earnings.

Do not just consider your earnings
Image: shutterstock

Once you are already negotiating, do not be blinded with a huge amount that your client will offer. Do not say yes at once. You have to know all the details of the project. See to it that the money is right for the kind of project. Think how much time and effort you would need for the project.

4. Show your finished projects.

Show your finished projects
Image: shutterstock

Your client will find it easier to understand why you are giving a certain rate if they have seen your work. Show them your finished project, that is why it is best to bring with you your portfolio. Do not be focusing on how much you will be earning but focus on the quality of the output you can give them. This way, your client will realize the value of your rate.

5. Do not give special services.

Do not give special services
Image: shutterstock

Well, nothing is wrong with giving additional services to your client but you should see to it that you have agreed that you are only doing it once. Your client might expect that you will still do the same the next time you have a project with him. It would be better if you will just agree on a certain rate which would be a good deal even to other projects that the client might still give you.

6. End up with a mutual agreement.

End up with a mutual agreement

Instead of thinking of making your client agree on what you want, you have to see to it that both of you agreed on a certain matter. This way, you are assured that both parties do not have problems on the project and you will be able to have a good working relationship with you client.

7. Do not feel pressured.

Do not feel pressured
Image: shutterstock

Remember that you are negotiating. It means that you are still given the chance to decide if you will accept the job or not. If you and your client weren’t able to end up in the same page, then you can walk away from the deal. This usually happen if your client is asking for too much stuff in favor of him, leaving you with little earnings.

8. Be firm with your rates.

Be firm with your rates
Image: shutterstock

Do not worry about a project getting away especially if the client kept on insisting too low rates even if the project requires much time and effort. You cannot do away with situations like this. There are clients who are bluffing and you should not be carried away. Just be firm with your rates. There are many other clients who are much better to deal with.

9. Negotiate for future works.

Negotiate for future works
Image: shutterstock

When you are negotiating, you would not only think of the recent negotiation. You should also consider future projects that your client might give you. So, see to it that you are good in speaking with the client. If the client likes you and your work, there is a big chance to do future projects with them.

10. Act professionally.

Act professionally
Image: shutterstock

It is very important to remain professional while negotiating. If you are professional, you can close deals easily. You should dress rightly and speak respectfully. Being professional is the first thing that you should bear in mind in order to achieve a successful freelance contract negotiation.

It’s Your Turn Now

Well, freelancing is a tough job for there are so many things that you need to learn. But once you are already good at it, you will surely continually climb your ladder of success. Part of this success is learning how to negotiate a freelance contract. Would you like to add some more tips to the list? Feel free to do this. It is now your turn to speak up.

Ebrian Acebedo

About the author: A Licensed Medical Practitioner who apparently likes web design and business.

One comment

  1. Well detailed post, for blogs – some advertisers ask a Down-to-earth Rates for advertising or service ! even though the blog is professionalism !
    what will you do in that case ? Ebrian

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