With today’s powerful digital tools, artists are now more equipped than ever in creating eye-popping artworks that. As a result of using these softwares, we are able to see and enjoy fine masterpieces. But of course, what matters most is not the tools, it’s the hands of the masters that use these tools. Today we’ll see works of an artist who is a master in character designs.

Tyson Murphy is a California-based digital artist who creates several character designs that will amaze your artistic eyes. As you will see in his works, Murphy specializes in creating dynamic and colorful characters that are impressively designed. Scroll down and checkout some of his works below. Come, take a peek, and enjoy.

back to school qq
Tyson Murphy character designs

Tyson Murphy character designs

Tyson Murphy character designs

lunch monkey
Tyson Murphy character designs

Tyson Murphy character designs

Witch Doctor, PHD
Tyson Murphy character designs

Tyson Murphy character designs

more mop and a pirate
Tyson Murphy character designs

Tyson Murphy character designs

Adventure Time
Tyson Murphy character designs

LCAD Witch
Tyson Murphy character designs

moonkin guy k
Tyson Murphy character designs

Young Minerva McGonagall
Tyson Murphy character designs

Sword in the Stone
Tyson Murphy character designs

101 Dalmatians
Tyson Murphy character designs

Check out Tyson Murphy on his blogsite. You can share what you think on his works by leaving a comment below.

Have something in mind related to web design, freelancing, and other awesome stuff? Let us know and maybe we’ll feature it on our next post. All your comments and opinions are coveted!

Ebrian Acebedo

About the author: A Licensed Medical Practitioner who apparently likes web design and business.