Creative logos can be useful for distinguishing a business or product and can help make them (or the brand) memorable. Negative space logos are a particular type of logo that often create very memorable marks. Negative space has been used famously (and effectively) by FedEx, WWF(The charity) and Formula 1. These memorable logos make clever use of ‘negative space’ (which is defined as “the area of an image not occupied by shapes or forms. Negative space logo design involves focusing on the background of the logo and creating an object or symbol using the background color (for example, in the case of the F1 logo, that object is the number ‘1’).
When done well, negative space logos can create particularly striking, bold and memorable marks. This collection is composed of several Negative Space Logo Designs which are particularly inspiring, creative and diverse.
You may also want to take a look at the following related logo design articles:
• 50+ Unique and Inspiring Red Logo Designs
• 50 Beautiful Logo Design Focus on Animals
• 44 Examples of Unique and Inspiring Green Logos
Negative space logos can be extremely effective and clever but are often hard to execute. What do you think? Do you have any negative space logo designs in your portfolio?
cool list..very inspiring..
Some beautiful logo designs here. I’m loving the “Paint The City” one and the “Old Drunk” one. Very creative!
Thanks Alec,
Definitely one to bookmark for inspiration.
very nice collection..i agree paint the city is the cool one.
That FIT logo rocks!
Some cool and creative logo designs here. thank you for inspiring me.
These are sooo nice. Kinda proves how you don’t need fancy gradients or effects to make your logo look good you just have to think it out. thanks for sharing
Another great collection. Thanks!
Awesome list! It’s very inspiring.
Perro logo rocks!
Wow these are really great. I am really loving the “helping hands for pets” one. Its really great.
immer wieder cool was ihr so im netz findet, saubere logos echt gut
Diseños sencillos como deben ser los buenos logos, de verdad muy inspiradores, gracias por ese aporte
This is awesome list logos really inspiring – by looking at logos we can predict the product or respective nature of description about the product.
These logo round ups really frustrate me. They are really nice looking logos and seem inspired but they lack one main thing. Most, if not all of these logos are for make believe companies. (E.g. There are a couple of 925 furniture sites, neither us that logo or indeed anything close a professionally made logo)
Part of the art of a logo is that it has purpose and purveys that well, it’s a lot easier to think of a cool idea and put a name to it then it is to take a name and meaning and put it into logo form.
Any chance of a round up that features real world logos?
Great collection, it really gives you an idea of how simple yet complex a logo can be.
hey great list, thanks for sharing
Excellent list, Good work
Nice logos
wow! Great collection! Shared on my Facebook page:
Cool list of logo’s.
Some times we have negative space logo’s for holding purposes (if a site is being reviewed and revamped).
Nice list !
nice collection. it inspires me. nice site you got here
Usually I find these list re-use the same old logos that I’ve seen on other lists but this one actually had some original ones. I really liked “Paint the City” and “fit”.
I’m hoping one day I’ll find my logo on one of these “negative space logos” lists.
Really nice collection…very inspiring..thanks for sharing
I love negative space logos. Takes a lot of creativity to execute those types of ideas.
nice collection naldz.
keep it up..
i really like the logos here, it shows really good use of negative space. I definitely will use these for inspiration. also have a nice collection of logos
Great examples, love the animals one and the yoga australia one, very clever use of negative space.
Really great work.. very creative! Thanks for sharing.
wow! Great collection Guys!
Great logos! Thanks for sharing all these.
Nice stuff dude!
Blue Dog logo inspired me much than rest.
Thanks for publishing.
Wow, thanks for including two of my logos (helping hands for pets & Synergy Equities), but they kind of pale in comparison to some of these I think. I love logos that take advantage of negative space, there is always a cleverness about them in the way they incorporate multiple levels of meaning.