You know exactly what to do when you face information overload. Of course, you want to shake your head away from that dizzy situation and have that feeling of ease. You can actually learn and get new information without experiencing information overload. This usually happens when you tend to grasps all the info you want even if your mind can no longer digest all of it. This result into the information being unusable for you were not able to get it or you might have misinterpreted the info. You don’t want any of it to happen. You can actually be knowledgeable without going beyond the limits.
It would be much better if you know the causes of information overload so that you can do away with it. These things are simple that you really wouldn’t think that doing it would cause such. So, here are some factors that can create information overload. Read now and be guided.
1. Unending search for answers.
No one will ever be contented with what they know. It is said that life is an unending search for wisdom. That is why, as you grow old, you still learn new things and you will even learn more if you search for it. Ask questions and coin another question from it. In doing that, you will find answers and then you’ll surely look for more answers even if you got one already.
2. Getting information more than you can process.
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With the internet, there are surely so many information you get. And you take advantage of this by searching for websites, blogs, ebooks and so many other online sources in order to know something about a topic. But what you forgot is that you really cannot process all those information in just one day or in just one reading. The more you research, the more you will look for information because you found an interesting point in one article. This adds to information overload.
3. Looking for clarification.
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When you are told about something and you were not satisfied with what you learned, you would end up looking for more information. People would always look for ways to better understand something.
4. Entertaining unwanted information.
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Not all information you get were the things you really wanted to know. Just like emails that you receive each day. You could have subscribed to a particular site and you receive emails from them every day. While searching on the web, you also encounter lots of ads and when you click them, you have actually solicited for another email that you would not need.
5. Speed of information delivery.
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Due to the internet, the delivery of information is so fast and continues to accelerate. Because of this, there is flood of information and you could no longer take all that. Just one click and you will already be able to access so much new information and you will find it hard to digest it.
6. Confusion on whom to trust.
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Due to too much information sources, you are now confused on which one is telling the truth and which one can be trusted. This is now totally different when your place only had one newspaper and everything they tell you are labelled as a reality. Now, you will surely have a hard time determining which one is the truth.
7. Increased need for information.
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If you are engaged in business, you will surely want to know everything so that you will have an edge from others regarding information. You do not want to be left behind and you read everything that you think you need because you are afraid to miss some important facts.
8. Redundant information.
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You didn’t notice that while you were searching on the internet, you were actually getting the same information. There are different ways to state info and you didn’t know that you have spent all your time reading blogs and sites which are actually giving you the same knowledge on different approaches.
9. Poor memory retention.
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Some people find it hard to remember some things. While trying to research on what that particular thing is that you are trying to recall, you find other interesting things, too. You will then start reading as you keep on searching.
10. Unorganized planning.
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You already have your list of things to do and the list of things you need. You also have your priorities. But when you start looking for materials and inspirations for your design, you ended up looking for other things. Or you have followed your list but your list is not done in an organized manner. You were not able to set a particular time just for research. You really won’t succeed if this is the case.
It’s Your Turn Now
Well, maybe you were a bit blown away because you did not expect the said items to be in the list. But no matter how simple they appear, they actually contribute a lot to information overload. All you have to do is be mellow in everything because too much of anything is always bad. So, if you would like to add some points other than those mentioned, feel free to express yourself in the comment section below. It is now your turn to speak.
Yes, too much of everything is really bad. I so agree.
well, info overload is just draining. thanks a lot for this blog
i like the idea of the article, the use of stockgraphics however almost prevent me from reading it, one well chosen graphic would have been enough AND less annoying