A logo is an important tool in promoting businesses such as restaurants , golf courses, or construction companies. It is an iconic symbol that stands for a company and depicts the nature, vision and goal of an enterprise. Since a logo serves as the primary identifier of an organization, its design must be identified easily so that people could instantaneously remember the company. In today’s logo design inspiration post, we will be sharing logos designed for different organizations specializing in commercial cleaning, janitorial services, deep cleaning and general maintenance.
Here are the 30+ Examples of Cleaning Services Logo Design. These logos have been conceptualized by really talented designers. Take a look at these cool logos.
Mr. HAppy
Logo Designer: alterego
This logo of a floor cleaning brush is suitable for any cleaning service.
Golden Maids
Logo Designer: Bazilio
A brand symbol for a cleaning company.
Monster Cleaners
Logo Designer: logodad.com
A great mark for cleaning services, can also be used as a brand for new cleaning products and agents.
Logo Designer: Shaft
This logo can be used for literally for coolant brands and also for business with air conditioner, cleaning services and refrigerator business.
A+ Carpet Cleaning
Logo Designer: cspainey
A logo designed for a carpet cleaning company in Texas.
Logo Designer: gPhoto
A brand symbol for a cleaning service company.
Logo Designer: gphoto
This logo represenst the ecological cleaning service.
Logo Designer: Sssilent
This logo can be successfully used for cleaning services, soap bar companies or for other companies that have something to do with cleaning, bubbles, soap bars or frogs.
First American Cleaners
Logo Designer: borjcornella
This is a modern look for an American friendly cleaning service.
Purely Domestic
Logo Designer: design savant
This logo was created for an eco-friendly home cleaning service.
Logo Designer: design savant
A brand symbol that was developed for a commercial or residential cleaning service that uses eco-friendly cleaning products.
GT Carpet Care
Logo Designer: VYshouldhavewon
Proposal logo for a small carpet cleaning company in Austin.
Green Cleaning
Logo Designer: kiku
A logo for Green Cleaning Services.
Logo Designer: scarletta
Logo creation for an eco-friendly cleaning service.
Klean Up Ur Mess
Logo Designer: FUNKist
A logo for a London based cleaning agency.
Logo Designer: Shtef Sokolovich
A logo perfect for cleaning service.
Logo Designer: JMC
A logo perfectly suitable for an eco-friendly cleaning company.
Crystal Clear
Logo Designer: Pumpkinsboy
A symbol for a professional domestic cleaner services.
Logo Designer: natashababenko
This logo can be used for a cleaning service.
Mermlet’s Cleaning Service
Logo Designer: Hayes Image
Mobile house/office cleaning service owned & operated by Mrs. Mermlet.
On-Your-Dock Detailing
Logo Designer: gkleon
A logo concept for the boat cleaning company.
Logo Designer: elle-creations
A logo suitable for a cleaning service company.
Logo Designer: george radu
Logo done for a cleaning company.
Logo Designer: jveres
Logo for cleaning services.
Window Cleaning Success
Logo Designer: designkanya
A website logo identity for a window cleaning team based in Texas.
Logo Designer: blackm
A logo for a cleaning company.
Natural Home Cleaning Services
Logo Designer: levelb
Logo for a small home cleaning business that uses only natural cleaning products and methods.
Student Maid Brigade
Logo Designer: katygarrison
Logo for a student run cleaning service.
M&M Floor Maintenance Specialists
Logo Designer:
A logo for a local cleaning service company.
Sunshine French Cleaners
Logo Designer: CLRPrint
Client work for a local drycleaner.
Dynamic Cleaning & Maintenance
Logo Designer: KCJones
Logo for a company specializing in commercial cleaning.
clean home
Logo Designer: MRM1
A shape of a home with water and bubbles that depicts cleanliness.
Logo Designer: Desperados
This logo design is for home cleaning agencies
Squeegee the monkey
Logo Designer: IGlowCreationz
This playful logo is perfect for cleaning companies
Home Broom
Logo Designer: shad
A nice logo brand for house cleaning services.
Sweep Logo
Logo Designer: RubenBernabe
This logo is nice for cleaning companies and hotel room services.
Logo Designer: RafaelB
A creative logo design for cleaning services
Empress Cleaning
Logo Designer: untitled
This simple yet impressive logo is perfect for cleaning companies
Comet Wash
Logo Designer: revotype
A creative logo fit for cleaning services or window washing agencies
Bubble Cleanly
Logo Designer: stong
This bubbly logo design is great for cleaning services company
White Gnome
Logo Designer: Bazilio
A beautiful logo design for cleaning srvices
hey, there is this one I’ve made for a friend
Nice collection from creative logos.
Nice list..
Thanks in advance for your help
BroomGhost logo is gleaming, so simple ans so efficient..
It give inspiration to create great stuff, Thanks you guys!
i agree these are nice logo design, they’re amazing.
nice picks!
thinking of making a list of awesome logo ideas. Hmmm.. tinatamad lng as of now. hehe. 
What a blog and huge amount of information shared..thanks