The color blue has long been a popular color for designers, with its various emotional implications and visual friendship with a vast array of other colors. Take some inspiration from this aesthetically inspiring collection in where designers have manipulated this one color to suit their many intentions. Approaches range from frozenly formal to chilled and relaxed, with designers using this color on websites for corporate use, material sales and designer folios. It is easy to stereotype blue to define sadness or depressions and difficult to break the cliche link it shares with water but once designers surpass these mediocre expections they allow the colours true brilliance to resonate.

Below are 50 blue websites on the Internet categorized into serious, bold and fun. Check them all out and get inspired.

Serious Websites (Corporate, Product & Informational)


Visit Source


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Blitz Agency

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That Game Company

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Slice Machine

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Launch List

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Campaign Monitor

Visit Source


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Get Ball Park

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Mind Smack

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Larva Labs

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Mighty Dreams

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Design Fridge

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Bold Websites

Eric Campbell Interactive Design

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Vicente Diaz Photography

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HD Live

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Lost Worlds Fair

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Bounty Bev

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Frank Chimero

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Row to the Pole


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Mail Chimp


Prince Street Films

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Attack of the Web

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Mo Blues

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Above the Fold

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Fun Websites

INservio Web Solutions

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W3 blue websute


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Feed Stitch

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Coca-Cola Light

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Home Invest

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Glass House

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Summer Festival

Visit Source

FireFox Tweet Machine

Made by Chipmunk

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Puma Talk

Visit Source

Summer Festival

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Orman Clark

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Cosmic Soda

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Visit Source


As the above “corporate”, “bold” and “fun” websites show – in web design – blue is not necessarily the colour of despair and nor does it carry negative connotations. Far from it, the possibilities are endless with blue as innovative application by designers shows.

Hire the author

Crystal Bernia

About the author: A freelance graphic designer from Australia. Cyrstal is listed in DesignCrowd's Freelance Web Designers Directory. You can contact and hire Crystal through Crystal's Design Portfolio.


  1. Another inspiring post here, those are cool and very creative design.

    Thanks for inspiring me again, keep it up..

  2. Wonderful blue sites collection..lovely color so refreshing and good quality..Thanks

  3. Really attractive and inspiring web designs, actually blue color is for to represent IT and it always looks cool to our eyes…

  4. Thank you so much for your great showcases. Whenever I need inspiration, I always know to check out your site. Keep up the good work.

  5. A really nice collection of blue websites! A definite page to be bookmarked for inspiration. I absolutely love the launch List design. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Another great list of sites. I like the Firefox tweet machine and the great bearded reef. Awesome stuff.

  7. Wow, nice gallery “Home Invest” is really awesome, now thats a flash website! I think Jim Carey’s websites and this one are on the top of my flash website choice :P, even I hate flash websites 😛

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