Portrait photography as we all know is a type of photography wherein the subject is real humans. It can be a photo of a baby, a child, a woman, an old person, a man, or a group of people. As long as it is a picture of a person, it is considered portrait photography. It is also defined as taking a picture of a person or a small group of people that showcase likeness, mood and personality to convey a unique story. Every portrait photograph shows a different emotion. It could be of happiness, mystery, sadness, fear, love and many others.

But aside from the basic tips for successful portrait photography, there are also other things that a photographer can do in order to get a unique output. It would really be nice if you get a good photo to satisfy the model, the photographer and the viewers. Techniques can make your portrait photo look a lot better, more attractive and enhanced with greater impact. So, today, we will give you some creative portrait photography tips for enhanced results. These would surely help you get better shots. Read on and try these tips below.

1. Let your subject try different poses.

Let your subject try different poses
Image: Jaicca

The more unique and uncomfortable the pose is, the more it becomes interesting. So, experiment with different poses. The crazier it looks, the more attractive it appears. You can also try shooting from various angles and using different focus. This way, you will have a portrait photo with more impact.

2. Get closer to the subject.

Get closer to the subject
Image: Lunebleu

Focusing closer to the subject can also create a good impact. You can focus on other parts for the subject other than the eyes. Some focus on other body parts like the lips, hands, and others. This makes your shot unique. It can also convey a different story to the viewers.

3. Capture movements.

Capture movements
Image: Pablo Lemper

Getting a shot of a moving subject can make your portrait a lot realistic. It can even be more effective in relaying a story to those looking at it. Movements caught in camera can also impress those looking on it because it is not easy to capture movements. Look for interesting moves and let it show in the image.

4. Capture emotions.

Capture emotions
Image: Jaicca

Nothing could beat a photograph if it is full of emotion. Capture moments and emotions as it happens. It will be more realistic if these photos are stolen shots of people expressing emotions. It would be more challenging but the output is all worth it.

5. Use props and costumes.

Use props and costumes
Image: Kick a Cosplay

If you want to have a portrait photo with more impact, use costumes and props. It will be more realistic in portraying something. It will also give a greater impression to those looking at it. Although it would really take a big effort for the part of the model and the photographer, but the output will surely be worth all the efforts.

6. Try using Photoshop.

Try using Photoshop
Image: Nirelleth

If you want to manipulate your image or enhance it a bit or maybe add something, you can do that with Photoshop. Be sure that you are really good at editing that you will not be able to ruin the entire image. You can adjust the image using Photoshop Actions or you can try other techniques to make it appear like what you want it to look like. You will also enjoy doing this.

7. Create a silhouette.

Create a silhouette

Portraits or human subjects can look good as silhouettes. They can show interesting shapes and figures that can tell a unique story. Humans are good subjects for silhouettes. It can create dramatic outputs depending on how they act and pose. Be creative with it and you will get a nice portrait photo.

8. Create a high key image.

Create a high key image
Image: Jaicca

Your picture will also look unique if you do that with high-key lighting. It can be done by overexposing it. This can make the image appear smoother with lesser defects. Some small details can even be covered by overexposing it.

9. Underexpose the image.

Underexpose the image

Other than overexposing, you can also try underexposing the photo. You can do this by having a low-key image to make it dark on a certain side. This will drive the eyes of the viewers to the lighter side of the image. This creates a good contrast to the picture. Your portrait photo can also appear harder with a dark hue.

10. Apply backlighting.

Apply backlighting
Image: Jaicca

When we say backlighting, it is when you place some light at the back of your subject. It can be an artificial light or the sunlight. It can make the subject standout. You will also get a more dramatic look when you do this.

11. Observe different textures.

Observe different textures
Image: The Global Variety

Even portrait photography has textures. If you take a photo of an old person, the lines on the skin can give a different texture. Try to match the background and the subject so that it will have a better impact. Look for textures for the background, too.

12. Observe different cultures.

Observe different cultures
Image: Jaicca

For every place and country, there are different cultures. You can see that with the clothes they wear, the things they do, the dance steps the make and even how they act. This can also be a good concept for portrait photography. You can take a picture of someone wearing their national costume or a group of people dancing to the tone of their local songs. This will surely look interesting.

13. Try black and white.

Try black and white
Image: Lara Fairie

Aside from taking colored photographs, doing it in black and white can also look good. This can make your image look more dramatic, elegant and classic. This can attract the eyes of the viewers towards the photo because the details are more obvious. The real beauty of the subject is clearly seen with a black and white picture.

It’s Your Turn Now

Portrait photography is already impressive especially when you see elegant glamour shots and other photos that are very impressive. But it can even be enhanced more with the use of the above mentioned techniques. It can surely bring your portrait photography to the next level. Are you into portrait photography? What are the things that you do to make it look creative and to enhance its impact? Would you like to share those things to us in addition to what we have above?

Ebrian Acebedo

About the author: A Licensed Medical Practitioner who apparently likes web design and business.

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